These photos [not included in post] capture a glimpse of your spirit. Inside & out, you are an ethereal beauty. You embody selflessness in all that you do, and you have a truly breathtaking & awe-inspiring servant’s heart. The way you live your life is brimming with integrity & intention - it brings immense glory to God and rampant joy & honor to those blessed to know you.
What a rich honor to be so deeply loved by you. Your love is a splendid glimmer of God’s Love. As you are so Spirit-filled & Light-drenched, He spills over your edges and uses you as a vessel to soak others in His MAGNIFICENT Love & opulent Light. With reckless abandon, you would pour out of yourself and into others until you were empty, but God will never stop refilling you, because you are a resounding & indispensable part of His Kingdom.
You are a unique treasure. You have taught me so much. In ways we may never realize, your influence on my essence is incalculable. An eminent, immeasurably positive impact on my life, I respect and value you more with each passing moment as a spiritual compass, an endlessly forgiving fountain of grace & love, and my closest confidant.
You are worth more than the weight of the earth in gold. You are warmth, sunshine, & so many brilliant things that I am incapable of being, and you are the best things in me. You are so wise & intelligent, and the vastness of your exceptional emotional intellect & intuition is FORMIDABLE.
As remarkably radiant in these photos as you are, none could ever accurately depict your resplendence or capture the WILD jubilation that accompanies experiencing you in real life. Nothing outside of that itself could even remotely do it justice.
I am truly, madly, deeply thankful to Jesus for His placing you & I together on earth and for eternity.
I love you so deep & wide.